Thursday, September 4, 2014

Rose-meter in the Bloodlines Series

For y'all Rose lovers as I am, I'm making this post to let you know how much she appears in the Bloodlines books. If you are to pick up the spin-off series, I highly reccomend you to! But in this post there are MINOR SPOÍLERS TO THE BOOKS, and SPOILERS TO THE VAMPIRE ACADEMY BOOKS, considering i'm talking about the main character's future.

Bloodlines: Gets a scene with speaking lines, good length and gives you a feel of comfort while you're being introduced to the new characters.  Rose-meter: just one scene in the beginning of the book, but we get to see the Rose we all love, with the sarcastic comments and kind heart. We get to see her as a full guardian too, it made me really proud of my baby haha.

Golden Lily: Only mentioned. Rose-meter: None. But we get to see lots of Dimitri, which is always beautiful. And he talks to Rose on the phone, with his lovey dovey eyes, but we don't get to read the conversation.

The Indigo Spell: Brief appearance with Dimitri. Rose-meter: Really small scene, but we get to see her happy with Dimitri <3 (wanted more Rose tho. There's always space for more Rose)

Fiery Heart: At least 2 scenes. Rose-meter: Good amount of Rose! We get to see her chilling with Lissa and we get to see her have actual conversations that are relevant. It was the most we got to see of her, but she's still just a cameo. We get to see Lissa quite a few times, which is great because I didn't even realized how much I missed her(in this spin-off, at least, because in VA, when Rose was away from her, I missed her so much, she's the person you take for granted and when she's away, you just cry). We also got to see mr. Ozera hehe I love him.

That's what I have today, thanks for reading and let me know your thoughts :D

Monday, August 25, 2014

Why am I absent?

Hey, guys!

I just want to make this quick little post to let you guys know that i haven't given up on my youtube channel or anything, it brings me so much joy to make videos and chat with you guys! But honestly, i have some health issues and they have gotten really worse in the past few weeks, and i have no strength to film and edit and stuff. It's not life-threatening or anything but it really scares me and it stops me from doing things I love, such as studying, seeing my friends, etc. I just want to say that I hope I get better so I can fill your feed with my ugly face hehe But anyways, i'll try to film on my better days but i hope you understand. (if you dont really care, that's okay too, but anyways)
So that's it, you'll see me when i feel a bit better :)
love you <3

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Charmed: First Impressions

Ok, I know I'm super mega late to the party, but today I just started to watch the show Charmed. Yes, the 3 sister-witches (which includes Aria's mom, from PLL, which i'm very excited about because I love her) and crazy special effects.
I just wanted to get my impressions written to see how it'd go as the show goes on. So, let's jump right in.

 At first, I was scared to watch this show because i do not do well with horror, suspense, and all things that could scare me. I mean, I always have the fear that something will jump at my face in the screen, but i'm also afraid that i'll start not being able to sleep because spirits scare the crap out of me. But oh, the 90's tv shows... they are amazing. You can be the biggest chicken in the world, but you'll never have long lasting fear of the creatures and "scary" things that they present us. It's like the early seasons of NewWho and basically most of ClassicWho. The special effects are terrible, but the plot is amazing.
 Basically, 3 sisters, Prue, Phoebe and Piper, after the death of their grandma, go live together in her house, that was to be sold after she died. But, as they all grew up there and it was the family's house, they wanted to keep it. As the 3 arrive, in a stormy night, the 2 younger sisters are playing with a Ouija Board (this kind of thing scares the crap out of me, i never will use it or any kind of spirit thing, never, never, ugh) and it actually starts working. It spells the word "Attic" and Phoebe goes check the attic of the house and finds a book called the Book of Shadows. (in this part I was like WHY CANT IT BE THE BOOK OF LIGHT OMG I'LL NEVER SLEEP AGAIN, but after the special effects were played, i was ok). Then, she reads aloud the first page, which turns out to be the key to "unlock" the sisters' powers.
 It also says that 3 Charmed Sisters would fight evil in various forms, and protect the innocent. But also, evil witches (or warlocks) would try to get to them, because once a warlock kills you, they get your power. (I was thinking a lot about Sydney Sage then). So basically, after they got their powers, it's like a magnet attracts all sorts of evil towards them. It begins the Hunger Games, and the prize is their power.
 The characters start to use their power without knowing it, resulting in weird and convenient things, that are not explainable. For example, time control, telekinesis and being able to see things before they happen. Phoebe and Piper accept it quickly, because they know what they saw, but Prue struggles the most to accept her power. She knows that weird things are happening but she just doesn't want to believe it, she wants a normal life and not being the target of evil. You know, the usual. But after a while, she just accepts it and wants to take care of her sisters (being the oldest).
 So we have these 3 powerful and strong characters that are going to kick ass and have super amazing powers. I'm so going to marathon this show. Other characters to mention: a cute cat and the very handsome Inspector Andy. What I like about him, is that he accepts people's beliefs and respects them, not mocking or anything, just accepting that there are other cultures out there, that may seem crazy to us, but if it's doing no harm, then let them be.
  I think this show is my kind of show because it seems to have witty characters, heartbreak and a strong plot. And I mean... girl power. If you see my favorite books and TV shows, you'll know that i'm all about that (Buffy, Vampire Academy, The Hunger Games, Gilmore Girls, etc, etc)
 So those are my first impressions, and maybe I'll give you an update whenever I'm finished or at least have a better notion of the show. I hope it continues to be awesome!

Thanks for reading,
Bia xx

Friday, July 18, 2014

Thoughts and headcanons on Mockingjay, by Suzanne Collins.


 So, we all know booktube-a-thon is going on and the series that I chose for the "start and finish a series challenge" was The Hunger Games. I re-read these books in December and I always seem to rush through Mockingjay specially because of all the action that happens and I never quite understood how it ended. Like, we know what's up, but I felt like this rereading of the trilogy was really clarifying for things that i didn't quite catch in the first... 6 times that I read the trilogy. Ops. So, mainly, this will be a post with my headcanons and theories, mainly references to my future self.
 The first time I read Mockingjay I must say that I felt like there was too much missing, like, what happens next? How does the political situation settles after the rebellion? And after reading the book more carefully, I got some answers. Sure, there were rushed moments like Finnick's death and the execution of Coin, and the tiny epilogue, but there's only two things that I wish this book had: a) a more in-depth scene of Finnick's death or that that wouldn't have happened at all and b) that the epilogue was longer, containing things like Peeta and Katniss's real wedding and the moment she realized she was pregnant, along with the first time she held her baby. I understand the deaths, as much as they pain me, but it was a war, and the war doesn't spare you just because you're a celebrity or because you're the protagonist of the book.
 I truly think Mockingjay had a happy ending, considering the events of Katniss's life. It's said in the book that in the end, BEFORE THE EPILOGUE, that they are deeply emotionally affected by everything that happened but my theory is that they recovered pretty well along the years. They didn't have the same things that made them (Katniss and Peeta) happy in the past, and we know that it still haunts them not having that, but together, they make themselves strong, finding new happiness in their new life. I think even Haymitch would've gotten better now that he's not lonely, having Peeta and Katniss next to them, people that he loves. I even have a theory that Hazelle stayed in 12 and they're together. Who knows.... (Suzanne Collins does, and i'm really close to Hazel Gracing her and asking her if my headcanons are correct hehe).
 Politically, i had my doubts of how the system worked, and here's what's said in the book that I always seem to forget: Paylor was declared president after Coin died (which is cool by me because she's tough but through the book we can tell that she's  also compassionate, an example can be showed when Katniss is walking around the mansion and she finds a door with guards and they won't let her in, but Paylor lets her. In my opinion, she'd make the right decisions for Panem) and early in the book, Plutarch says that the rebel's plan to the country is to have a president, chose by popular vote I suppose, but also have 2 representatives of each District, because they will be closer to the people and know the specific needs of each part of the country. This really reminds me of the early stages of democracy, in Athens, when we had all these rebellions because only the elite had political representatives and them, gradually the poorer got representatives and a saying in what would be done. About Peacekeepers, they don't exist anymore.
 About the Games: We know that there is one last game, with the kids of the "big" people in the Capitol, for revenge's sake and a "closure" (i didn't like that this happened, to be honest, but i understand). Then, the arenas were destroyed and the Games became a subject in history books.
 About Katniss and Peeta: I believe they make each other strong and Katniss needs someone optimistic in her life and it's very clear since book 2, that she loves him. His touch brings her back to Earth, giving her hope and a feel of safety. I really do think Peeta gets a lot better, because not only he and Katniss end up together, but also he wants to have kids with her, meaning, he had lots of help of the people he loves and professional help and finally knows most of his life. He not only made new memories, but he also has a base of people to help him remember his old ones. I think he changed, but so did Katniss and everyone, but his essence remained the way it was. Kind. And it's not said in the epilogue that he has "events" in which he fights to keep control, I think he heals and manages over the years.

What I'm saying is: I think time has helped them, and like Katniss found out with that dandelion, there's always hope. 

I'd love to know your theories, feel free to comment or talk to me in my social media!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

The TMI tag

As my life is boring, I thought that a video wouldn't be as fun as a blog post in this case. So, here goes a little more about me!
1: What are you wearing?
Puppy pajamas!
2: Ever been in love?
Not in real life, but my literary loved ones are Rose Hathaway and Peeta Mellark.
3: Ever had a terrible breakup?
Never been in a relashionship.
4: How tall are you?
5'7'' or 1,70m
5: How much do you weigh?
59 kilos!
6: Any tattoos?
Nope, but I want to get one on my collarbone!
7: Any piercings?
8: OTP?
My all time otp (that is not even canon. why.) is Jess and Rory from Gilmore Girls and also Everlark from THG
9: Favorite show?
Gilmore Girls!
10: Favorite bands?
Maroon 5, One Direction, FOB, Parachute.
11: Something you miss? .
12: Favorite song?
At the moment is Thnks Fr Th Mmrs by FOB
13: How old are you?
15, going 16 on August 6!
14: Zodiac sign?
15: Quality you look for in a partner?
Optimistic, can make me feel happy and understanding.
16: Favorite Quote?
Make it count.
17: Favorite actor?
Nina Dobrev
18: Favorite color?
19: Loud music or soft?
Soft bc I get lots of headaches, but when i'm mad, really loud!
20: Where do you go when you’re sad?
I have nowhere to go, so i just stay in bed.
21: How long does it take you to shower?
5 minutes and if I do the whole girl routine, 30 minutes.
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
3 minutes, I mastered this because I always want to get as much sleep as I can.
23: Ever been in a physical fight?
Sadly, yes.
24: Turn on?
25: Turn off?
Just being a jerk in general
26: The reason I joined Youtube?
Fun! Books! Been in this community since 2008!
27: Fears?
Many, but my main one is to never get better.
28: Last thing that made you cry?
Agony from looking at my messed up toe.
29: Last time you said you loved someone?
Today, to my best friend <3
30: Meaning behind your YouTube Name?
OH THIS IS A FUN ONE! NO ONE ASKS ME THAT, OK, SO, it's the story of the Teddy bear. So, president Roosevelt was hunting bears and then there was a baby bear and people were going to shoot it but he didnt let them. And then, the media just made a fuss out of it, and made merch, of course, and the merch were stuffed animals, bears more specifically. And they named it "Teddy Bear" bc Theodore Roosevelt! So, Rooseveltbear! COOL!
31: Last book you read?
Why We Broke Up, by Daniel Handler.
32: The book you’re currently reading?
Aristotle and Dante Discover The Secrets of The Universe.
33: Last show you watched?
34: Last person you talked to?
My mom.
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
One of my friends, but I havent texted anyone in aaaages.
36: Favorite food?
37: Place you want to visit?
England, Greece, Disney.
38: Last place you were?
I havent left my room in a while.
39: Do you have a crush?
Nope, I never do, tbh.
40: Last time you kissed someone?
HA, never. The last boy who tried to make romantic contact with me got kind of punched. Sorry, im such a baby.
41: Last time you were insulted?
42: Favorite flavor of sweet?
43: What instruments do you play??
Flute, I started learning the guitar but I stopped because it reminds my mom of my father.
44: Favorite piece of jewelry?
45: Last sport you played?
HA. Just kidding, i ran the other day.
46: Last song you sang?
Counting Stars, by One Republic.
47: Favorite chat up line?
oh hun
48: Have you ever used it?
oh hun
49: Last time you hung out with anyone?
A few days ago
50: Who should answer these questions next?
Anyone who has life experience because my answers were terrible! But I'll make this tag in video format when I actually get a life. IN fact, i'll do it when I kiss someone. Uuuuuuuuuh, cheeky.
Have a lovely day!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Pretty Little Liars Season 5

So, yesterday Pretty Little Liars came back from hiatus. Get ready for a pretty pissed off review.

 Months ago, I stopped watching PLL because I thought it was dragging on too much, this show could have had 3 seasons and it'd be enough. It'd have been great if it had just stopped when Mona was A. But no, since it gets lots of money, let's make quantity not quality. I absolutely love the characters and their personalities and lines, but there's no plot anymore. Well, technically there is one, but it's so bad. It's like on the books, I read the 8 first books, in which I did not enjoy the writing, but wanted to know who A is. And on book 8 we get a great theory, it was the most cliche one but it was fun to read, so it was a good closure. BUT IT DIDN'T FREAKING END.
 Not only the author keeps bombarding the character with stupid, unrealistic drama, but also the books don't appeal to me at all. There has been at least 4 "A"s so far and it just got annoying. That's why I liked the TV show better. I've been watching it since season 1 was aired, and the first 3 season were pretty good and fun to watch. There wasn't the awful and mega-descriptive writing of Sara Shepard and there were the amazing actresses that made the characters so special and lovable.
 The actresses and actors are still great, the last good thing about the show to be honest. Last night's episode was just disappointing to me. I caught up on the series because I heard A was revealed and it was just bad. Like, Shana? Really? I liked the fact that Ezra was following A and everything, but I was hoping for someone with understandable reasons, at least. Shana is just someone who fell in love with a jerk and instead of hating that jerk, she became a sick twisted revenge person or whatever.
 I wish the show would have ended, not just went completely down hill, to the point that I get annoyed when I hear about it. I'm sad that those amazing actresses are working with such a poor plot when they have amazing skills that could portray such deeper characters.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Books Soundtrack

Hey guys!
So, I did the Book Shuffle tag a while ago on my channel and I love the idea of matching books and music and I want to do more of that here!I will be spoiling the books that I match to the songs, so if you haven't read them, just read the song matching, not the explanation. Enjoy!

  • Angel with a Shot Gun, by The Cab: This song reminds me so much of Clockwork Princess! (spoilers ahead)

"They say before you start a war, you better know what you're fighting for" This quote reminds me so much of when Will says "She's my priority!" about Tessa, and he's fighting for her. But the next quote was the one that made me connect this song to this book:"I, wanna live, not just survive" Do you mean James Castairs? Oh my God, this was his attitude in the whole first half of the book and it just makes me sob so hard. He took the drug and he knew that he would die faster if he did, but it made him stronger and he could enjoy all of his moments with Tessa. *sobs while writes* I love Jem so much. And "angel with a shotgun"... Angel? Are you serious? This song is so perfect for this book.
  • Home, by Edward Sharpe And The Magnetic Zeros: This song screams Anna And The French Kiss. 
"Man oh man you're my best friend" This is basically their relationship described in one phrase. They are best friends that fell in love. And it's such a beautiful kind of love, such a deep trust and comfort being around someone. They're the kind of people that finish each other sentences and have a million inside jokes.
"Home is wherever I'm with you" Anna and St Clair have been all around the world, away from their families and homes. But they find out that home is a feeling, of safety and happiness, and that's what they feel around each other.
  • R U Mine, by Artic Monkeys. This song reminds me of Rose and Dimitri, from Vampire Academy.
"I'm a puppet on a string" I don't know why, but this song just reminds me of Rose and Dimitri so much! This quote particularly reminds me of them, having to fight for the Moroi. The whole 'They come first' thing. They are raised with all those ideas that it's not important that they are happy, as long as the Moroi are safe that's ok. Those who don't choose to be a guardian in life are frowned upon and called names, assumed the worse. They are free but not quite. 
"Are you mine?Are you mine tomorrow? Or just mine tonight?" Rose and Dimitri always have moments together in each book of the series, but they know that they can't actually be together despite their feelings. They want to be able to be together for as long as they want, but they try to be apart and it never works out. And after they hook up, it gets confusing to both of them. 
  • All You Need Is Love, by The Beatles. This song reminds me of Delirium.
Not only this song is mentioned on the book, but after Lena discovers love, she thinks it's worth fighting for. That a world without love, is not a world worth living in. If she had Alex, she would be okay forever, because love is what will bring her happiness. 
  • The Fault In Our Stars, by Troye Sivan. This song was actually based on The Fault in Our Stars.
This song is self explanatory, but in case you haven't heard it, you definitely should! And all the profit that is raised from this song, are donated to cancer patients care. You go, Troye!
Those are just a few that come to mind, this was so fun to do! I probably will do more. Tell me what songs remind you of books! 

Have a nice day!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

My Thoughts On: The One, by Kiera Cass

In this month of May, we have finally gotten to get our hands on the final book of the Selection trilogy, The One. The book was released on May 6th, with the most gorgeous cover of the series and one of the best covers that have been made, in my opinion.

For the non-spoiler part of this talk, what I have to say is: I gave it five out of five stars on Goodreads, and I thought it was an amazing conclusion to such an addicting trilogy. I'd give it 90% because it takes a while to America get her head in the game, but after that, the series achieved the potential it had. It's a really fast read and I definitely recommend you to pick it up, if you haven't already. And these covers will look amazing on your bookshelf!

  Now, for those of us who already have read this book, let's talk about the most relevant moments, and also, the ones that weren't relevant at all. Such as America being stubborn as hell because she didn't want to say to Maxon that she loved him. Since book 1, we know that America is the one that will be chosen and we can already tell that Maxon is falling for her. Well, even though the book is in America's perspective, she is the only one who can't take a hint. Or listen. Or stop talking about Aspen. It's understandable that America will think about Aspen because he is her first love and all of that, but she entered the Selection so she could give her family a better life style. And if she doesn't want to get kicked out of the "game", it'd be probably better if she didn't kick the person that will choose her or not, in the balls. But fortunately, Maxon took that trait that all of us think is annoying in America, as a challenge and as something he loves about her. Her annoying personality isn't a problem, if it weren't for Aspen. America is a strong and focused character when she's not conflicted about two boys. She may not be that classy or do everything the right way, but she has good intentions.
   America's problems are that she changes her mind all the time and can't communicate properly. Either she talks to much and doesn't let anyone talk or she says nothing when it's obvious that she needs to clarify something. In this book we see that when Aspen wants to tell America about Lucy and she keeps interrupting him every single time until they get in trouble and she almost loses Maxon. For nothing. The other moment is when she refuses to be the one to say "i love you" first. Maxon gave all the tips and didn't want to push her because he knew that she had her heart broken before, and he wanted to give her space and still be around whenever she was ready. He made it very clear that she's the one he loves, even with all that Kriss thing, it was more one-sided, Kriss loved him and she was a perfect plan B. There's one quote I heard somewhere that says "pick the one that loves you". That way you'll know they won't break your heart, even if you don't have the strongest feelings about them. And it's more than fair that Maxon has a second choice, because America gave him so many mixed signals that this man has already had his heart broken enough and all the love drama for life. He wanted to know how it was being in love and have the whole experience? America sure gave him all the ups and downs.
   Now, until chapter ten, we have the same annoying America from The Elite. After she FINALLY, GOD HAS HEARD ME, made up her mind, she was such a fun and loving character to read about. (Except that part in which she didn't let Aspen talk). We got to see her and Maxon get the north rebels perspective and think about the political matters of the kingdom. They wanted to end the caste system and provide to the people, individual economic progress. They wanted to take the numbers away and the designations so the citizens could make their own progress, building a business that could make them richer and if the caste system still existed, they'd be in a higher caste when the business prospered. The business independence would help with the poverty, allowing people with talents that aren't the one's that were assigned to them, make it their living. The idea is good and it'd certainly bring more peace to the kingdom, whose political system is falling apart. But that wouldn't be possible in Maxon's father reign. So through the book, we see Maxon and America trying to get the idea to work in his reign, counting with the help of the Italian princess, who didn't want to ally her kingdom to Illéa because of the system that was currently on the run. But when America told her the plan and the new idea, she was up for it. See what you can do when you're not thinking about boys, America? You have the power to change the kingdom and make it better for living.
   Also, when the Queen told the girls that they would be friends for life and that they had to stop being so competitive, because Maxon is the one that matters anyway, and they stopped being so suspicious about each other, we got to see amazing friendships, that we'd been missing since Marlee. 
   The most unexpected one for us all, was of course, America and Celeste. I did not see that one coming. Even though I thought it was kind of too quickly that they opened up to each other, I'm glad that they did because it was the most fun friendship to read about. They were there to each other and Celeste was just hilarious and fierce. The other two, Elise and Kriss, they were ok with the situation, letting everyone know that they were there to win but also respecting each other and even opening up. One of my favorite scenes was when they were making each other's make ups and even the Queen joined in. It was such a heart warming scene and just made me smile.
   But oh, the Queen. This brings us to the final scenes. After a lot of planning and drama and smiles, we get to the final battle. Maxon is going to announce who is the one he'll choose (he's being dramatic in this part as well. He was the one who didn't want to listen this time and almost made the stupidiest decision of his life because of temper. O-oh, someone's looking more like their father than they know) and all hell breaks loose. The south rebels, the ones that are just ignorant people that resort to violence and have no idea what to do to make things better, but think that have the right to blow everyone up because they are unhappy, start firing. And the first bullet goes into Celeste's head. I was spoiled and yet, it hurt me. I was so happy to see the good on Celeste and so happy with the friendship, that I forgot she was going to die. With this whole the Selection is a pure set up thing, we still got the most amazing girls. And to see they dying made me sad. The battle's casualties weren't unnecessary and made sense. The figures of power died, one figure that shows how the The Selection is messed up died, and many of those who were trying to save them died as well.
   We get to see America in a badass moment when she saves Aspen and thankfully does what she's told, staying in the room that is safe so no one has to worry about saving her, just the people who are in immediate danger. And then we see the proposal and the happy endings. Maxon came up with a way to end the castes in which it wouldn't be a huge impact and would go slowly and steady, in its way to greatness. Lucy and Aspen are together. Marlee is America's made of honour. Maxon is the king. I was just so happy when i was reading this ending because Kiera Cass didn't leave loose ends, in my opinion. An amazing ending to an addicting trilogy. I'm glad I used my time to get into this world!
 I hope you have a lovely day,
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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

How To Avoid Spoilers

As a person that watches 190834289432 tv shows, i have some experience with dodging spoilers. And today I'm going to share some tips with you because City Of Heavenly Fire is being released today and we don't want to ruin the surprises and plot twists, do we?

  1. Avoid Twitter and Instagram.
These are the places that the trolls like to spoil you out of nowhere, and unlike Tumblr and Youtube, you can't avoid seeing those, they're just there. Until you have read the book/watch the series, avoid following accounts that talk about the matter if you can't get out of it! Choose your feed, you can follow them again later.
    2. Avoiding spoilers on tumblr

If you have google chrome, Tumblr can be a safe space where you can avoid basically anything you choose! First, you need to download Tumblr Savior on Chrome, so you can have your blacklist. Once you install the gadget, you only have to click the icon that will show up on your browser and write key words to avoid spoilers. For example, if you don't want spoilers on COHF, use your list to blacklist words like: #COHF, COHF, City Of Heavenly Fire, Spoilers, Cassandra Clare, and etc. Once you don't need the block anymore, you just click the "x" beside the word you blacklisted and you'll be able to see posts with that word again! I use this app all the time, it's a must!

  3. To a full on no spoiler experience, until you have finished the book/tv show/etc, don't go online or talk to anyone. You'll have no friends left and go a little insane but that sure will work ;) hahah

Have a lovely spoiler free day!

Oh, hey.

 Hello, there!
My name is Bia and I'm from Brazil. I'm 15 years old and you may know me from my tumblr Rooseveltbear or my youtube channel that goes by that same name. I made this blog to post things book related, like cover releases, book to movie adaptations and maybe booktalks, because I'm a mess trying to do them in video form! This is an experimental thing for me to see if I am more comfortable doing booktalks here or on my channel! I believe that's it for this little introduction and I hope to see you soon!

    Youtube * Tumblr * Twitter * Goodreads