Friday, June 6, 2014

Books Soundtrack

Hey guys!
So, I did the Book Shuffle tag a while ago on my channel and I love the idea of matching books and music and I want to do more of that here!I will be spoiling the books that I match to the songs, so if you haven't read them, just read the song matching, not the explanation. Enjoy!

  • Angel with a Shot Gun, by The Cab: This song reminds me so much of Clockwork Princess! (spoilers ahead)

"They say before you start a war, you better know what you're fighting for" This quote reminds me so much of when Will says "She's my priority!" about Tessa, and he's fighting for her. But the next quote was the one that made me connect this song to this book:"I, wanna live, not just survive" Do you mean James Castairs? Oh my God, this was his attitude in the whole first half of the book and it just makes me sob so hard. He took the drug and he knew that he would die faster if he did, but it made him stronger and he could enjoy all of his moments with Tessa. *sobs while writes* I love Jem so much. And "angel with a shotgun"... Angel? Are you serious? This song is so perfect for this book.
  • Home, by Edward Sharpe And The Magnetic Zeros: This song screams Anna And The French Kiss. 
"Man oh man you're my best friend" This is basically their relationship described in one phrase. They are best friends that fell in love. And it's such a beautiful kind of love, such a deep trust and comfort being around someone. They're the kind of people that finish each other sentences and have a million inside jokes.
"Home is wherever I'm with you" Anna and St Clair have been all around the world, away from their families and homes. But they find out that home is a feeling, of safety and happiness, and that's what they feel around each other.
  • R U Mine, by Artic Monkeys. This song reminds me of Rose and Dimitri, from Vampire Academy.
"I'm a puppet on a string" I don't know why, but this song just reminds me of Rose and Dimitri so much! This quote particularly reminds me of them, having to fight for the Moroi. The whole 'They come first' thing. They are raised with all those ideas that it's not important that they are happy, as long as the Moroi are safe that's ok. Those who don't choose to be a guardian in life are frowned upon and called names, assumed the worse. They are free but not quite. 
"Are you mine?Are you mine tomorrow? Or just mine tonight?" Rose and Dimitri always have moments together in each book of the series, but they know that they can't actually be together despite their feelings. They want to be able to be together for as long as they want, but they try to be apart and it never works out. And after they hook up, it gets confusing to both of them. 
  • All You Need Is Love, by The Beatles. This song reminds me of Delirium.
Not only this song is mentioned on the book, but after Lena discovers love, she thinks it's worth fighting for. That a world without love, is not a world worth living in. If she had Alex, she would be okay forever, because love is what will bring her happiness. 
  • The Fault In Our Stars, by Troye Sivan. This song was actually based on The Fault in Our Stars.
This song is self explanatory, but in case you haven't heard it, you definitely should! And all the profit that is raised from this song, are donated to cancer patients care. You go, Troye!
Those are just a few that come to mind, this was so fun to do! I probably will do more. Tell me what songs remind you of books! 

Have a nice day!

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