Friday, July 18, 2014

Thoughts and headcanons on Mockingjay, by Suzanne Collins.


 So, we all know booktube-a-thon is going on and the series that I chose for the "start and finish a series challenge" was The Hunger Games. I re-read these books in December and I always seem to rush through Mockingjay specially because of all the action that happens and I never quite understood how it ended. Like, we know what's up, but I felt like this rereading of the trilogy was really clarifying for things that i didn't quite catch in the first... 6 times that I read the trilogy. Ops. So, mainly, this will be a post with my headcanons and theories, mainly references to my future self.
 The first time I read Mockingjay I must say that I felt like there was too much missing, like, what happens next? How does the political situation settles after the rebellion? And after reading the book more carefully, I got some answers. Sure, there were rushed moments like Finnick's death and the execution of Coin, and the tiny epilogue, but there's only two things that I wish this book had: a) a more in-depth scene of Finnick's death or that that wouldn't have happened at all and b) that the epilogue was longer, containing things like Peeta and Katniss's real wedding and the moment she realized she was pregnant, along with the first time she held her baby. I understand the deaths, as much as they pain me, but it was a war, and the war doesn't spare you just because you're a celebrity or because you're the protagonist of the book.
 I truly think Mockingjay had a happy ending, considering the events of Katniss's life. It's said in the book that in the end, BEFORE THE EPILOGUE, that they are deeply emotionally affected by everything that happened but my theory is that they recovered pretty well along the years. They didn't have the same things that made them (Katniss and Peeta) happy in the past, and we know that it still haunts them not having that, but together, they make themselves strong, finding new happiness in their new life. I think even Haymitch would've gotten better now that he's not lonely, having Peeta and Katniss next to them, people that he loves. I even have a theory that Hazelle stayed in 12 and they're together. Who knows.... (Suzanne Collins does, and i'm really close to Hazel Gracing her and asking her if my headcanons are correct hehe).
 Politically, i had my doubts of how the system worked, and here's what's said in the book that I always seem to forget: Paylor was declared president after Coin died (which is cool by me because she's tough but through the book we can tell that she's  also compassionate, an example can be showed when Katniss is walking around the mansion and she finds a door with guards and they won't let her in, but Paylor lets her. In my opinion, she'd make the right decisions for Panem) and early in the book, Plutarch says that the rebel's plan to the country is to have a president, chose by popular vote I suppose, but also have 2 representatives of each District, because they will be closer to the people and know the specific needs of each part of the country. This really reminds me of the early stages of democracy, in Athens, when we had all these rebellions because only the elite had political representatives and them, gradually the poorer got representatives and a saying in what would be done. About Peacekeepers, they don't exist anymore.
 About the Games: We know that there is one last game, with the kids of the "big" people in the Capitol, for revenge's sake and a "closure" (i didn't like that this happened, to be honest, but i understand). Then, the arenas were destroyed and the Games became a subject in history books.
 About Katniss and Peeta: I believe they make each other strong and Katniss needs someone optimistic in her life and it's very clear since book 2, that she loves him. His touch brings her back to Earth, giving her hope and a feel of safety. I really do think Peeta gets a lot better, because not only he and Katniss end up together, but also he wants to have kids with her, meaning, he had lots of help of the people he loves and professional help and finally knows most of his life. He not only made new memories, but he also has a base of people to help him remember his old ones. I think he changed, but so did Katniss and everyone, but his essence remained the way it was. Kind. And it's not said in the epilogue that he has "events" in which he fights to keep control, I think he heals and manages over the years.

What I'm saying is: I think time has helped them, and like Katniss found out with that dandelion, there's always hope. 

I'd love to know your theories, feel free to comment or talk to me in my social media!

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